Anyhow, after seeing 'Toof all over the place, I poked around on the internets for more information. I stumbled upon a myspace page where I found some more "gallery friendly" work. Also, he or she is selling t-shirts with the Shark Toof cig pack design on them. One if them is sooo up my alley (A black shirt with gold foil printing! If you know I like sharks, you probably also know I loooove gold.). Okay, so selling things via pal-pal on your myspace page isn't exactly using a storefront. I just wanted to point it out so I could say I appreciate the the more hybrid approach to 'Toof's street art. Why not try and get a little money from fans and supporters to keep on buying paste-up supplies and paint? I think it's rather foolish to try and completely evade the marketplace, in this our capitalist economy. (I know there are lots of differing opinions on street art and graf, though, don't get me wrong.) Maybe I'll stay on my ramen and PBJ diet for another week so I can show some love with a gold Shark Toof shirt...
I would like one of these...

...from a multi-panel piece spelling "SMOKE."
your phone takes great photos!!
i forgot to tell you i walked to the grove the other day and saw another toof poster. i didn't have a camera though to take a photo. maybe the next time you come over.
that shirt is pretty awesome. =)
there are many different opinions
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